Why Self-Love is the Most Important Love


Why Self-Love is the Most Important Love

5 Reasons Self Love is the most important love

"Loving yourself is what makes it possible to love someone else and be loved in return."

The energy of self-love emanates an aura of spiritual bliss, self-assurance, and positivity that draws people to you and keeps them coming back for more.

Here are the top 5 reasons why self-love is the most important love.

1. You have to love yourself before you can truly know yourself.

The people who have started their self-love journey are nodding. Those who have not are probably thinking, “I already know myself pretty well; what are they talking about?“ But human nature says that's probably not true. People reject things they don't like. All of the “flaws” you hide from on a daily basis are parts of you that are yearning to be recognized and accepted.

You have to confront self-criticism, limiting beliefs, fears, doubts, insecurities, shame and a plethora of other battles as you learn to love yourself. Once you've done that, you'll reach a point of true self-acceptance. This is simply not possible until you are willing to look at yourself as a whole person and grant that person kindness.

2. You must know yourself before you can truly connect with others.

You can't connect with anyone on a true and intimate level if you're out of touch with yourself. You’ll constantly be comparing yourself to others or worse projecting your insecurities onto them. It's like a metaphorical steel wall between you and the outside world.

Getting in touch with yourself, as difficult as it may be, will help you break down your walls and accept yourself fully. Once you’ve dropped that wall you’ll be able to see people for who they really are and accept them as you accept yourself, adding intimacy and depth to your relationships.

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3. You can form real boundaries

People who love themselves also respect themselves, and people who respect themselves don’t let others walk all over them. Loving yourself is being able to say “no” to that one extra task that you truly don’t have the energy for. Loving yourself is cutting off the toxic friend who only calls you to gossip and ask favors. Loving yourself is not answering the 11 PM Tuesday night booty call from the guy who hasn’t called you back in two months.

All of these choices become easy and obvious once you get to a place of real self-love.

4. You’ll have the best relationships of your life.

Once you are in full bloom in your experience of self-love and worthiness, people will be drawn to you. You’ll not only be able to connect with people on a different level, you’ll also attract happier, healthier people into your life. From there, absolutely magical things can happen.

5. Every moment feels better

You’ve probably had a moment in your life where everything was just, ahhhh. We’re talking - golden hour with a slight breeze as you look into the eyes of your love and know nothing could be better - type of perfect.

Every moment feels like a version of that once you’ve attained self love. You get to walk through the world head high, shoulders back, and feet grounded confident in your ability to achieve everything you want. You will attract amazing people into your life and stumble upon serendipitous experiences without even trying.

Life opens up as soon as you do. Now is the time to take the dive.

We’d love to hear from you. What body part do you criticize the most? And how did it feel to turn that negative body banter into a sexy self-love affirmation? Drop a comment below and share your self-love.

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